As I'm sure you're aware, the civil conflict in Syria has continued to devastate the country and the citizens there, and has caused over half of the population to be displaced, both internally and also into surrounding countries with many now seeking refuge in Western European countries. There are varying numbers but a conservative number is that there are 9 million Syrians alone that have left their homes, not including more who are fleeing other countries like Iraq and Lybia. 9 million people. That's basically the entire population of BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan combined.
As the conflict continues month after month (even year after year), I've been guilty of perhaps glossing over the endless headlines that continue to capture the news headlines. I wonder if it's because it maybe doesn't have the shock factor of an acute event such as an earthquake or a tsunami. In reality though, this conflict has affected far greater numbers than the recent natural disasters we have so shocked our senses.
If you want to get a quick recap/intro to the situation, I thought this video was a pretty good, albeit much simplified, summary: The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained
There's a page on the Samaritan's Purse website info with more info on the crisis and the work that they've been involved with so far: Refugee Crisis in Europe
So, how can you help?
As it has done for several other recent crises, the Canadian Government are matching any donations relating to the Syrian crisis. So please consider donating. We complain often about money, but put in a global perspective, almost of all of us have and live in excess and have resources that would be well spent helping those less fortunate. Canada Announces Matching Fund in Response to the Conflict in Syria
On my end, I'd appreciate your support and prayers for myself and the team here in Lesvos. I'm sure I'll soon have a much better grasp of the situation and where I'll be able to contribute once I get on the ground, but this response is much different than any of the others that I've served with before. As is clear by the news, countries across the globe, and Europe in particular, are struggling with how to best address this issue and I'm sure carries over to those serving on the ground as well. The sheer number of people who need assistance is truly intimidating, and the situation is not getting better yet that anyone can see.
One of my favourites, and words that I'm sure will be on my mind a lot in the coming weeks, is Micah 6:8:
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
A sincere thank you for reading and journeying with me in this work.
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